Black Fitness: The Genetic Experiment (part 1)

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Black Fitness: The Genetic Experiment (part 1)






Quiz question,  What happens when you capture a race of people for slavery, only selecting the strongest, place them on a boat to cross the Atlantic,  and only the strongest (of the strong) survive?  Then of those, you selectively allow/force the mating of the strongest to genetically engineer “super” slaves?  The answer is the NFL…ijs

The number one complaint I got as a trainer was from Black women who refused to touch weights because they didn’t want to “get muscular” , and they couldn’t figure out why.  The answer is simply in your genes.  Black men have the same outcome, but it’s obviously more of a gift than a curse.   So the first step in getting fit, starts in your mind, and in your understanding of who you are and where you want to be.  If you’re a person of African descent on this side of the world, you are more than the product of the world’s longest genetic experiment, you were for lack of a better term..bred.

Exposing the Myths:

Myth #1 “Spot” Training

Most of my female clients would come into my gym and point to their arms, or stomach and say I just want to lose weight here, I like my thighs and butt, but this other part needs to go.  Here is the unfortunate truth…We all lose weight the same way,  you body overheats, it taps into the stored energy (fat) to cool you off…period (Hence the trash bag and sauna suit tricks)   This law is universal, but WHERE you lose weight from, that is genetics.  You and your sibling could run the elliptical into the ground,  they lose weight in there stomach, you in your legs.  There is no way to just lose weight in one certain area…cept  for lipo.






Myth #2  “I want to lose  _x__ pounds”

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Myth #3 “The Cardio Monster”

There are three (3) types of muscles in the human body, the one that is pertinent for this section is the CARDIAC muscle, of which there is only one…your heart. Your hearts only job in life is to pump blood.. that’s it.  An average, moderately healthy person will have a resting heartbeat of about 60-70 beats per minute.   Like any muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it gets, and your resting heart rate will come down a few beats, and the time it takes for your heart to return to normal will be shortened..i.e. after running on the treadmill your heart will return to normal, faster, rather than still pounding in your chest long after you left the gym.   So what does that mean…where’s the myth… Most of you confuse “fat burn” with cardio, and true, when your out of shape they are very close…like Siamese twins, but the healthier you get the further apart they stray.   So what happens….the dreaded plateau.  Remember when you first started on the treadmill/elliptical.  5 min in you were sweating like a whore in church and your heart felt like it was literally going to explode in your chest.  However, that was a then, you lost a couple of pounds and now you have a heroin like addiction to cardio, but now after almost an hour you barely break a sweat and before you get to the water fountain your heart has stabilized and damned if you haven’t gained back a pound or two.  You’re a victim of your own success.  Your heart has gotten stronger and can pump the blood with less beats.  Which means your body is doing less work…



So stay tuned for the next article, exposing more myths and more shameless photographs lol (Would you have taken me seriously if you didn’t see for yourself… you wouldn’t trust a toothless dentist…lol..IJS)






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