Everything You Need to Know About BB Cream

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BB creams have become extremely popular the last few years. It gives a perfect tone to your face or skin and moisturizes and hydrates it at the same time. Moreover, all of them have UV rays protection so you can be sure your skin is well protected. There are also special creams with peptides and antioxidants that work as anti-agers.


#1 Who needs a BB cream?

Everybody needs it! Why? Because it is near to perfection. Until recently, there was BB cream for only one skin type, and you are lucky one, if it fits you. Thanks God and fashion industry, now you can choose any color and texture in your closest store.

#2 Can basic moisturizing cream be replaced by BB ones?

Probably no. Usually BB creams contain silicones that hydrate and soften your skin. At the same time, they have special pigments that can have drying effect. So, if you have dry skin, don’t forget to use your daily moisturizing cream.

#3 What do you need BBs for?

Cyberskin is a newly developed thermal plastic elastomer, which closely resembles real skin. cheap viagra canada Celiac Disease It’s a typical condition influencing roughly 1 on line levitra loved this in 100 individuals. It is recommended that you seek immediate medical assistance if viagra 50mg price you experience-* Heart related symptoms , pain in chest ,nausea and sweating* Vision loss or blurry vision* Prolonged erection (erection lasting more than 4 hours) or painful erection. With the growing demand of herbal alternatives of viagra 25 mg visit my pharmacy store it is known as the first ED drug. BB creams are perfect substitution for primers and foundations. It is especially important if you use them every day. But be careful, it doesn’t replace sunscreens completely, it is ok for warm spring sun, but not for summer heat. It is also kind of useless thing for blemishes and dark circles. For these you still need some extra care. And of course it would be silly to think that it can make you look 10 years younger. It can serve as additional treatment, but nothing more.

#4 If it has SPF, why can’t a BB count as sunscreen?

Because you should be applying a Huge amount of BB cream, to achieve the same effect as you have with sunscreens. Don’t expect it to protect our skin from the burning sun at the beach. Put simple sunscreen under your BB cream to protect your skin.

#5 How can you find the right one for your skin?
Choose definite brand and look at their foundation shades. Divide all of them in three groups. If your skin color falls under the first group, you’re light; second, medium; third, dark.
Try BB cream and make sure that it is really cool.

Read more here http://bonbonsalon.com/

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