Find Your Fierce & Own Your Personal Power

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Nicole Roberts Jones


One morning I woke up and realized that I had been sacrificing my ability to own my personal power by focusing so much on being accepted and really wanting people to like me.  I realized that because of this I had put myself in situations where I was giving away my power to others.  That I was giving them my life to control like a remote control does with a TV.  You know how you use a remote to power the TV on and off, to turn the channel or the volume up or down?  Well I had given others the remote control to my life and they were powering how I felt about me.  This transformative moment for me was in 1993; it was a moment when I realized I had become a woman that I did not even know, that I didn’t even like myself! It was a moment when I realized; I did not even know my own soul.


Recently I was reminded of this great turning point in my life as someone asked my in an interview “why do people give away their power?”  As I answered this question, what I realized is that we each give our power away when we make someone or something outside of us more important than what we have inside.  I realized that what kept me in the dark from my own power was me even stopping to ask myself, “what do YOU want” and really tapping into my own gifts, talents and dreams.  When I did this over 20 years ago, I felt like something in my belly came alive.  I felt a fire in me! Like I had flipped on the switch to my power!   This power boost was when I unleashed my FIERCE.  I call it my fierce because I felt like it was more than just flipping on my power.  I felt so invigorated, alive, strengthened and restored just by tapping into ME!  I could feel my composure shift as I filled up with a heartfelt and powerful intensity.  So much so, that I no longer allowed myself to be manipulated or influenced and from that point on, I grew more and more in the determination that no one got to define me other than me.   You have to understand that we each are not in a race with a level of gifting that is beyond what was put down in inside of us.  See it is my gifts and my abilities that will allow me to live the life of my dreams.  Getting to my dreams, is based on what I did from that day forward with what I already had in ME!

SFind Your Fierce & Own your Power

Now I will tell you, it has been a journey as every now and then that self-doubt tries to rear it’s old ugly head and have me second guessing myself.  However, I have developed tools over the years to combat this and that is really the work I do today.  I share tools with all that I serve through my programs, coaching and even this blog so that others may also Find, Know and Own your FIERCE.  I share all of this with you because what I know for sure is that we all put ourselves in a position to unleash our inner FIERCE when we choose to stop focusing on what happened yesterday and/or no longer listen to what other people say or think, to really believe in the gifts, talents and abilities that are already in each of us.  It is to know that you are in a class all by yourself and that the ultimate goal in life is to bring forth to the outside ALL of what the creator put inside of YOU.


So for the new Boston Naturals blog I will hold the space for each of us to;

  • Move from Doubt to Confidence.
  • Move from Optional to Nonnegotiable
  • Learn “NO” is a complete sentence.
  • Stand Up for YOU and what you want & believe in NO MATTER WHAT!
  • Know that you DESERVE exactly what your heart desires.
  • Be willing to be changed or transformed by renewing your mind & believing in your brilliance and no longer allowing yourself to be manipulated or influenced.
  • Embrace all the gifts inside of you and move to owning them and growing them.
  • Get comfortable living in transparency. Knowing that you have nothing to hide, prove, protect or defend.
  • Love ALL of you and be OK to be brilliant and in breakdown at the same time.
  • Choose only people who build us up and move away from those that break us down.
  • Stand powerfully in today.
  • Know yesterday has valuable lessons.
  • No longer hold on to bitterness, regret, shame or blame but to allow everything that has hurt you to become like weights in the gym of life to strengthen you and build you up as you evolve from the experience as preparation for your next level of possibility.

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Standing in your FIERCE means speaking your truth, standing in your complete power, honoring your journey and believing in YOU.  Your life experience, relationships and learning from everything you’ve been through is what grows you to all that is possible for YOU.  This time we shall spend together is a call to always believe in yourself and protect your right to own your FIERCE!

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