Free Your Mind

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“If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it,
change the way you think about it.”
~Mary Engelbreit

Freeing your mind is a call to let go of the old and bring in the new by shifting our way of thinking. Think about it, in the context of setting goals, what does it take to get to a New You. My current goal is to lose weight. Well, what good is it to resolve to lose weight if I don’t change my eating habits. This is indeed what I am dealing with now as I aim to lose the 8 LBs I gained. So far I have lost 5 of them, do you know how…WEIGHT WATCHERS and I hired a trainer. Which really does mean that I had to put down the chips and pick up a banana. I had to commit to working out at least 5 days a week at home or on the road. I had to put down that cookie and pick up a pear. I had to change my eating habits & begin to REALLY work out so I could get my body back in gear. Even more so, I realized if I want to keep myself at a certain weight, I had to put off that old way of thinking about how to eat! I realized that if I wanted something different, I had to do something different. I realized I had to shift my mindset!
Remember that song back in the day that said “check yourself before you wreck yourself!” Well that is exactly what I mean, if we each want to grow and make lasting changes in our lives; we must check our mindset and refocus our thinking to be in alignment with what we want. Actually do you remember the book The Secret that was all the buzz years ago? Well this is what the secret, the law of attraction, is all about. Staying focused on what we want in our lives, as what we focus on becomes reality. What we think about, we bring about! We must commit to check ourselves on any behaviors, attitudes or mindsets that are contrary to what we want. We must be committed to making a shift so that we no longer stay stuck in that same negative mindset that has kept us from moving forward. In other words, we must not be like the children of Israel! Have you heard the Old Testament story of the Israelites who walked through the wilderness to reach their Promised Land? Well I bring it up here because they walked for 40 years on what should have been an 11 day trip. It took them so long to reach their destination because they were stuck in their own old mindsets and being negative during their journey. They did not keep their eyes on the vision of what could be; instead they stayed stuck on what was not. It took them all that extra time to get there because when you are so focused on the negative, you can’t see what’s possible. If you are so focused on the way things used to be, you can’t focus on your next opportunity.

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“One of the biggest things in business is to open yourself up for is change.
We don’t have to change who we are, we have to change the way we go about it.”

Nicole Roberts Jones is known as “The Inner Catalyst” for her ability to draw out what’s best in YOU. As the creator of the Find Your Fierce Formula, Nicole works with women to not only discover what makes them tick at a deep level but to help them Turn Big Passion Into Big Profits. As both a content development & personal development coach, Nicole works alongside Lisa Nichols as the Director of Development at Motivating the Masses and as a national motivational speaker, Nicole’s energized and thought-provoking workshops will push you into your highest self. To learn more visit her website at

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