One week fix for behavior

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Okay we’re all looking for a way to get through the tantrums, and the days where the little people that we live with turn into little monsters. We always hope that there is some sort of fast way to help with things, but the truth is there isn’t. I know that’s a disappointing thing to hear considering the title, but it’s true. Sorry.


With that said, there are things that we can do to help with certain bad habits the little ones have picked up. Such as not cleaning their room. Keep in mind though that not everything works for every kid, and some kids may just not want to be taught anything. Also a lot of things will not work until they reach an age where they can be reasoned with. That age is usually between four and five. Sorry to inform you that it’s not two.


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Now, if you’re at home saying “I have done all of those things. My child still keeps screaming at me at bedtime!” I hear you. I really do. If you have done all the things that are age appropriate, most of the times, the behaviour will change, and it will change quickly. Children learn things really fast, which is why we all start school very young. If the behaviour hasn’t changed, look at other factors. Look at diet, look at consistency (don’t let people fool you, consistency is important for everyone), ask them what’s going on, or even take them to the doctor and ask for advice. The internet isn’t going to solve everything. Especially if there is a medical reason (please don’t automatically assume there is a medical reason, that’s almost never the case).


I can’t guarantee that negative behaviours will go away in a week. No one can. What you can be assured of is that if there is a lot of positive reinforcement, and affection, and discussion about what’s appropriate, you child is going to learn fast. Some learn in just days. Some learn in a week. Some learn in a month. If you keep at it, they will learn all the things that you want them to.

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