The Wheel of Life

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One of my favorite exercises to do with my coaching clients is something I call the Fierce Factor Wheel of Life. I believe there are eight spokes that comprise our wheel of life (self-esteem, family & friends, health, relationships, finances, spirituality, career/education & self-image) that must be in total alignment in order for us to live life to the fullest, that is to live our truest, greatest, happiest life! It is interesting to me that no matter how many women I have completed this exercise with over the years, out of the eight areas, there are three that always seem to be the lowest: relationships, health & finances. Before I got to my own happiness place, I often wondered if in my own life it was possible to live in good health, make more money and have a marvelous committed relationship. What I have found is that the key to getting into true alignment, true happiness, true bliss is to set goals in each of these areas. Then, live in happy anticipation and determination, strive for ALL that you want, and not accept anything less. Yes we must believe in order to receive or achieve! I have found that once I establish my intentions and begin to move toward them, those things that I desired have been made real in my life.

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The problem with many of us is that we live in bondage to our desired relationships, our aspiration to lose weight, or our longing to make more money. I am sure you are wondering what I mean by bondage right? According to, the word bondage means to be bound by or subjected to some external power of control. It is the state of being restrained by or tied up by something. With that definition in mind, think about the ways you may be bonding yourself to your lack in these areas by your disbelief that bliss is possible? Deep down inside, many of us do not believe we could ever truly have the relationship we deserve. We don’t believe we will ever reach our goal weight. We can’t imagine how we will ever make more money. These beliefs become deeply rooted in us as weeds, and no matter how much we water the seed of our yearning, we also water the weed of negative thinking. What we therefore must do is get to the root of why we distrust possibility; why we suspect that we will never have what we want or why we have limited faith that our desires can come to fruition in our lives.
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If life is a beautiful garden, then what we MUST do is cultivate it. We must do what we have to do to improve the possibility of growth in our garden! That means we must uproot any weeds that have been produced in us that may be causing us to doubt that we will have what we desire. After all, I believe it is God that plants that seed of desire in our heart, and if He planted it then all we have to do is water it and take great care of that seed and it will grow in our lives. Yes what we reap is what we sow! So if you sow the seed you will reap its growth but if you sow the weed, you will also reap the growth of the weed. Think of this article as a personal invitation or a challenge to choose to take the road of success and happiness! It’s time you do what you have to do to liberate your mind from limited thinking. It’s time for us to release the negative thoughts of lack and unworthiness so that we can free ourselves to move into possibility and promise in our lives. I want to challenge you to make a list of all you desire in your life. Write down ALL you want, and notice when a negative thought comes in. Then, pull up that weed and begin to push yourself into the sunlight of possibility. Once you make that list, believe it is possible and each day, do something that moves you closer to the direction of it! Yes, I am calling you to cultivate your garden of life! To focus on that part that has been the hardest area for you to believe in so that you can begin to move yourself into alignment with the life of your dreams. It is time for your wheel of life to be less bumpy as you move toward smooth sailing and positioning yourself for ALL that you want in your life.

Nicole Roberts Jones is known as “The Inner Catalyst” for her ability to draw out what’s best in YOU. As the creator of the Find Your Fierce Formula, Nicole works with women to not only discover what makes them tick at a deep level but to help them Turn Big Passion Into Big Profits. As both a content strategist & Find Your Fierce coach, and as a national motivational speaker, Nicole’s energized and thought-provoking workshops will push you into your highest self. To learn more about Nicole and her programs visit her website at

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